Rincian Aplikasi:
Versi: 1.0
Tanggal Upload: 29 Jun 18
Lisensi: Gratis
Popularitas: 7493
Ukuran: 504 Kb
Those who never heard of the game, have never lived in this world. Most of people know about it, or heard about it at least once from a distance. It is a perfect shooter of the last several years, based on a Half Life engine that conquered minds of youth. Let me introduce my final mod on CS Mobile!
What has been changed:
- Semua kamar (penjara dibuat oleh GOFMIDO, terima kasih khusus kepadanya)
- Senjata (di CT Force secara eksklusif dari saya)
- Menu utama
- Sniper backsight
- Teks berwarna biru saat Anda memutar
- Teks sebagian diubah (di bagian "tentang", dan nama dari tiga kamar)
- Dan beberapa hal kecil lagi!
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