Rincian Aplikasi:
Versi: 1.0
Tanggal Upload: 20 Jun 18
Lisensi: Gratis
Popularitas: 5004
Ukuran: 468 Kb
A great fighting game for mobile phones with good graphics and addictive gameplay.
You have to learn the art of real fight and go through numbers of missions full of deadly opponents on the way to the terrible Black Death, which seized power over the living World ...
Fitur game True Fighting 3D:
- 5 petarung (Werewolf, Vampire, Frankenstein, Demon, Death)
- 3 mode permainan
- Arkade
- Arena
- Multipemain untuk Bluetooth & nbsp;
1 Komentar
amougou afana andré serge 12 Sep 22
quel sont les meilleurs jeux java