Rincian Aplikasi:
Versi: 1.0
Tanggal Upload: 14 Mar 18
Lisensi: Gratis
Popularitas: 563
Ukuran: 1323 Kb
The game comes as an economy-fighting strategy. 3 unique races, 30 types of troops, more than 40 different constructions are at your disposal. Depending on your preferences you can choose different strategies of the game: attacking, defensive or just being engaged in the creation and marketing of the resources. In the game you can not only compete with other players, but also spend time reading new jokes, horoscopes and Runet quotes, find new and old friends. The Third World: War of the Kings game features:
- 3 ras unik: manusia, kurcaci, elf;
- Lebih dari 25 jenis pasukan, 30 bangunan berbeda yang dapat Anda bangun dan tingkatkan;
- Bergantung pada preferensi, Anda dapat memilih strategi permainan yang berbeda: menyerang, defensif, terlibat secara eksklusif dalam pembuatan dan penjualan sumber daya.
1 Komentar
Sam 8 Nov 20
Eng version