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Versi: 1.0
Tanggal Upload: 7 Mar 18
Lisensi: Gratis
Popularitas: 826
Ukuran: 151 Kb
In Joint Task Force, you can extend the wide range of your military units to the different locations and test your commander skills in the much promising missions. The players can fight with various troops in different parts of the world, completing numerous missions. There are several prize missions, methods which can help to check the strategy skills. The players can check their strategy skills online playing against other players all over the world.
Features of Joint Task Force: Strategy:
- Versi mobile komputer Joint Task Force
- Proses bermain yang marah, cepat, dan menawan
- Tugas yang berbeda di medan perang
- Tiga lanskap yang berbeda dimana pertempuran terjadi
- Anda dapat menghancurkan objek
- Sejumlah besar berbagai senjata
- Level pelatihan
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